With significant capital balances and tight business line margins, insurers need to ensure that they have access to liquidity, they maximise return on capital allocations, and are able to preserve cash valuations. This section offers insight from those charged with excellence in treasury, capital, liquidity, and cash management on the latest trends and market developments
Insurance Investor speaks to Ed Palmer, EMEA Chief Investment Officer at Metlife about the promises and pitfalls of illiquid assets.
Dr Olaf Sleijpen from De Nederlandsche Bank explores how policy makers can improve the current Solvency II regulatory framework.
As monetary policies return to normal, insurance companies must plan for higher interest rates.
Mikael Huldt, Head of Alternative Investments, AFA Forsakring AB, explores whether illiquid investment strategies can provide a reasonable set of cash flows for investors.
Naïm Abou-Jaoudé explores how the insurance asset management industry is responding to macro conditions.
Nicholas Gartside, Chief Investment Officer for Munich Re, discusses how insurers are managing and utilising excess capital.
Fabrice Montagne, Chief UK and Senior European Economist, Barclays, discusses the biggest political risks facing insurers.
Ruth Farrugia, Head of EMEA Portfolio Management, MetLife explains why a low yield environment has seen a growing interest in alternatives.
Three Chief Investment Officers examine how rising rates might impact liquidity constraints.
David Rule, Executive Director for Insurance Supervision at the Bank of England explores the role alternative investments can play.
Eberhard Müller, Former Chief Risk Officer at Hannover Re, examines how solvency II regulations could impact insurance investment.