Investment and asset risk management, along with liability modelling related to investment activity, is unique for insurers, underpinned as it is by stringent regulatory regimes, demanding portfolio risk policies, evolving reporting procedures, and analytical solutions. Here we provide insight and expert perspectives on how those responsible for asset risk management and liability modelling are meeting existing and emerging demands on their organisations
Jérôme Jean Haegeli, Group Chief Economist & MD, Swiss Re explores where we are in the market cycle.
Industry experts discuss how diversification and asset allocation have changed in response to Solvency II.
Fabrice Montagne, Chief UK and Senior European Economist, Barclays, discusses the biggest political risks facing insurers.
Jakob Carlsson, Chief Financial Officer at Lansforsakringar, discusses the impacts of consistently low interest rates on insurance investing.
Alan Sheppard, Head of Insurance Policy at the Bank of England examines how insurers can evaluate and manage risks.
Jeffrey Franks, Director of the IMF Europe Office looks at how financial markets can help deal with geopolitical risks.
Jeffrey Franks, Director of the IMF Europe Office discusses the problems with geopolitical risk and how ageing economies could spell fiscal trouble for the UK and US.
Three Chief Investment Officers give their views on how decreasing IPOs and a shift towards private markets is changing their investment strategies.
Two experts explain how insurance firms can make sure they choose the most effective investment objectives.
Figures from Zurich and Gjensidige explain how they diversified investment risk to meet the challenges of a low yield economic environment.