Our research-based reports are the foundation of our reputation, knowledge, and contacts in the insurance asset management industry. From the founding of the company, we’ve developed a rich database of expert-led reports covering issues including investment, operational, risk, finance, liquidity, compliance, and senior management matters that decision makers can rely on.

Insurance Asset Management - Mid-Year Insights

Monday, Jul 29, 2024

The Insurance Asset Management Mid-Year Insights report showcases the best discussions and keynotes from the Insurance Investor Live | Spring event that took place in Chicago earlier this year.

The report covers multiple viewpoints on risk, strategy, and technology, including macroeconomic volatility, the commercial loan mortgages market, and active versus passive strategies in portfolio management as well as many more.

Insurance Asset Management Europe 2023

Monday, Dec 11, 2023

This report is produced following the annual Insurance Investor Live Europe 2023 event and brings together the insights from chief investment officers and portfolio managers representing insurers from across Europe to discuss the methodology and strategy that their firms are taking to navigate these uncertain markets.


Overcoming Operational Limitations in Business Expansion

Monday, Sep 25, 2023

If you are in an operational or technology role at an asset management firm, you will not want to miss this informative and report.

Overcoming Operational Limitations in Business Expansion Report delves into the challenges and opportunities faced by asset management organisations that are going through a pivot to improve their delivery of service to stakeholders and the efficiency of their operational processes. Experts discuss how various departments across organisations are collaborating with one another, the types of technologies that are being implemented and the strategies behind the execution of their operational objectives.

Avoiding the crowds: Unearthing capital efficient fixed income opportunities for insurers

Monday, Sep 25, 2023

Produced in partnership with Aegon Asset Management, this report aims to help insurers understand how to find appropriate fixed-income opportunities for their portfolios. Through an exploration of capital reserve calculations and investment structures, you will learn how to uncover exciting opportunities and how the rise in interest rates has impacted the fixed-income market.

Insurance Asset Management Midwest 2023

Sunday, Sep 24, 2023

With no general consensus as to the direction of the economy or financial markets, there is much speculation and debate among insurance investors. This report will provide you with viewpoints from investment officers and portfolio managers who are allocating hundreds of millions of dollars in capital in an environment that has seen the quickest increase in rate hikes in over 40 years, the most rapid rate of company bankruptcies and a dour outlook for commercial real estate assets.

Download this report to find out the potential pitfalls and investment opportunities that these investors are seeing in the day-to-day management of their insurance portfolios.

Maximising visibility in ESG regulatory reporting through the investment chain

Monday, Sep 18, 2023

Produced in partnership with Clarity AI the report explores ESG regulatory reporting and investment transparency, including the potential of FCA's Sustainability Disclosure Requirements as a blueprint for the future of the ESG industry. It also questions the adequacy of existing reporting structures and processes, and how sustainable investments can be defined for reporting purposes. Additionally, it examines the potential risks of regional regulatory approaches to global investors, and how technology can be utilised to improve sustainability reporting accuracy.

Convergence Point: Improving Operations and Technology to support the execution of Insurance Investment Strategies

Monday, Jul 31, 2023

As insurers increase the sophistication of their investments in order to meet their return targets, so does the need for more advanced operational processes and technologies to support these allocations. This report covers candid and in-depth viewpoints from insurance investment professionals that are implementing and managing the backbone infrastructure that improves the execution, management and reporting of assets in an ever evolving and complex landscape.

Effective Investment Risk & Data Management For Asset Owners & Insurance Professionals

Monday, Jun 12, 2023

Asset owners and insurance professionals often lack the tools they need to manage data and de-risk their investments. Achieving effective investment data management is a formidable topic for institutional investors and asset servicers across the industry. It also offers insurance and pension fund professionals key opportunities to leverage managed services to mitigate risk and benefit from enhanced decision-making capabilities.

As the data management landscape continues to evolve, reducing operational complexity and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) – coupled with the ability to make better informed strategic portfolio construction, asset allocation and asset-liability risk management decisions – is becoming increasingly essential.

This report offers stakeholders more information and nuanced debates about current investment data management challenges unique to asset owners – as well as discusses solutions available to optimise data systems and capitalise on new technology opportunities.

Enterprise Data Management for Asset Owners, Insurance Professionals, and Asset Servicers

Monday, May 22, 2023

Asset owners often lack the tools they need to manage data and de-risk their investments. Achieving effective Enterprise Data Management (EDM) is a formidable topic for institutional investors and asset servicers across the industry. It also offers insurance and pension fund professionals key opportunities to leverage managed services to mitigate risk and benefit from enhanced investment management and decision-making capabilities.

Insurance Linked Securities for Institutional Investors Report

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Insurance Linked Securities (ILS) have attracted significant attention in the past decade but have also suffered poor performance.

With catastrophe losses for insurers still rising, this webinar is an opportunity for market participants – as well as those looking to see if the timing is right to enter the asset class – to learn more about ILS and its benefits and drawbacks.

Download your free copy of the report.

Evolving Client Reporting to Drive Client Growth

Monday, Apr 24, 2023

Crucial to winning and retaining market share in third-party investment management is ensuring clients feel well-informed through effective reporting processes. Building knowledge through an intimate discussion led by industry experts, Clear Path Analysis invites you to attend the “Evolving Client Reporting to Drive Client Growth” report, produced in partnership with Instinct Digital.

With on-going popularity in ESG investments being at the core of the practice, investment managers seek to deliver efficient sustainability reporting structure. This report brings together leading client reporting, experience, and operational experts to debate and dissect methods to optimising the client reporting process.

Data Management for Buy-Side Investors

Tuesday, Mar 14, 2023

Buy-side asset managers are exposed to and have copious amounts of data available on every conceivable aspect of their investment operations. With this incredible volume, investors need to address a few key issues: 1) The necessity of aggregated data with a single source of truth, 2) Cloud-implementation and the desire for data platforms that are agile, adjustable, and scalable, 3) Ever-changing regulatory landscapes and concerns around futureproofing and lowered TCO, and 4) The shift from a traditional build model to a model where firms buy and build on top.

Over the past decade, there have been many developments in the practices and debates around data platforms and managed service solutions. Given the sheer volume of data and the effort required to cull and curate it – as well as how central data is to supporting core business operations – more companies are turning to modern financial data platforms and managed services providers to optimise how they manage their data and operations.

This report, sponsored by Arcesium, features a whitepaper on data management strategies for asset managers – and why modern data platforms are must-haves – alongside a roundtable debate with senior leaders on the changing operations landscape, and an interview on data strategy execution.

Insurance Asset Management, North America 2023

Monday, Feb 13, 2023

This report is produced following the annual Insurance Investor Live North America 2022 event, and brings together the insights from chief investment officers and portfolio managers representing insurers from across North America to discuss the methodology and strategy that their firms are taking to navigate these uncertain markets.

Institutional Fixed Income, North America 2023

Monday, Jan 09, 2023

Asset owners have been faced with an increasingly complex investment landscape to navigate with fixed income coming under substantial strain. Having to deal with fast paced market shocks and recovery during 2021 has initiated a re-examination of whether traditional allocation rules are still viable in the current climate.

The relationship between fiscal and monetary policy has become increasingly intertwined, provoking thought leaders to question whether Central Banks will remain independent, as well as the trajectory of quantitative easing and inflation.

Designed with the input of asset owners, Institutional Fixed Income Investor, North America 2023 report brings together the community of North American investment leaders and asset allocation experts at U.S. and Canadian based retirement funds and insurance groups.

Solutions Not Products Mitigating Risks in the Drawdown Phase of Retirement Report

Monday, Dec 12, 2022

For generations, the importance of investing for retirement has been strongly emphasised among plan sponsors. But then what? A large proportion of the plan member community has been left in the dark post-retirement. Unfortunately, a clear path for preserving their hard-earned, invested capital in retirement has not have been made available to them, or they were unaware of the post-retirement tools that were at their disposal. The importance of post-retirement decisions is especially critical today, especially with populations living well beyond projections made just a few decades ago. This report addresses the importance of the post-retirement drawdown phase and the ways in which plan sponsors are ensuring that their members are not left in the dark at the end of their working careers.

Insurance Asset Management, DACH 2022

Monday, Dec 12, 2022

As continental Europe emerges from one of the sharpest economic retractions in living memory, German, Swiss, and Austrian based insurance groups are looking to take the opportunity to re-build and re-allocate portfolios for a new era of market growth, fiscal, and monetary policy approaches. With central banks carefully watching inflation rates, and social groups increasingly protesting with their wallets, new investment opportunities and risks are emerging that DACH based insurers need to carefully manage through sophisticated asset allocation strategies.

The second annual Insurance Asset Management, DACH report, brings together the views of heads of investment, finance and treasury, plus heads of investment risk and operations at DACH based insurance groups. The report will explore through detailed white papers, insightful interview articles, and summaries of discussion based panel debates how those charged with maximising returns whilst carefully controlling investment risks are taking meaningful decisions to influence the outcome of portfolio returns on balance sheet and general account assets.

Environmental, Social & Governance Investing, Europe 2022

Monday, Nov 28, 2022

The attention paid to, and importance placed on, environmental, social, and governance based factors in institutional asset owners portfolios, has grown an unstoppable rate in recent years. Growing numbers of institutional investors are intently looking at effective ways to increase asset allocations and develop robust risk management procedures, with ESG considerations at their very centre. Pushed by stakeholder pressures and regulatory scrutiny, pension and insurance investment leaders are grappling with effective ways to satisfy reporting requirements whilst meeting mandated set return targets.

The fourth annual Environmental, Social & Governance Investing, Europe 2022 report brings together the views of senior investment offices from European based pension funds, insurers, endowment, and foundation funds, to share their insights and drive forward practical approaches to ESG integration within investment portfolios.

Market Study Report: Assessing Global Insurance Asset Management Trends

Monday, Oct 31, 2022

This special market study report, commissioned by Principal Asset Management SM, examines the emerging and established challenges and trends facing those charged with responsibility for insurers asset management activities. Conducted as a global study of in-depth interviews, the report will outline the views of European, North American, Central and South American, and Asian based insurers.

Operations, Technology, Outsourcing & Managed Services in the Investment Management Industry

Monday, Oct 03, 2022

The pandemic forced a major pivot in the day-to-day operations for all investment management firms, with outsourcing and managed services coming to the forefront of operational strategy. This report features an in-depth discussion of the office model and which changes will remain permanent in the post-pandemic world. This includes the role of physical office space, as well as the IT infrastructure and security needed to support these changes.

Environmental, Social & Governance Investing, North America 2022

Thursday, Jul 21, 2022

The attention paid to, and importance placed on, environmental, social, and governance based factors in institutional asset owners portfolios, has grown an unstoppable rate in recent years. Growing numbers of institutional investors are intently looking at effective ways to increase asset allocations and develop robust risk management procedures, with ESG considerations at their very centre. Pushed by stakeholder pressures and regulatory scrutiny, pension and insurance investment leaders are grappling with effective ways to satisfy reporting requirements whilst meeting mandated set return targets.

The fourth annual Environmental, Social & Governance Investing, North America 2022 report brings together the views of senior investment offices from US and Canadian based pension funds, insurers, endowment, and foundation funds, to share their insights and drive forward practical approaches to ESG integration within investment portfolios.

Investing in Private Markets, Europe 2022

Monday, Jun 13, 2022

The trauma of being an investor in public markets over the past 12-months, combined with the growing number of high-quality opportunities in non-listed areas, aided by greater acceptance of illiquidity risk, has all created compelling reasons for institutional investors to grow their allocations to private markets.

The sixth annual Investing in Private Markets, Europe 2022 report brings together leading asset allocators from across the spectrum of pension funds, insurance, and other institutional investment groups to explore the array of opportunities and challenges to advancing a private markets allocation mix. Through the engaging format, these senior asset allocators outline their views and discuss through roundtable debates the issues driving their thinking about where to allocate assets in the broad private markets sector.

Insurance Asset Management, North America 2022

Tuesday, Feb 22, 2022

In spite of buoyant financial markets, insurance portfolio managers are facing challenges in the form of inflation, regulations and the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. The Insurance Asset Management North America 2022 report features opinions from insurance industry leaders as they prepare for the road ahead. The thoughts shared will help to provide insurance portfolio managers with insight to protect the value of their assets while seeking returns to meet their liabilities.

Investing in Fixed Income, Europe 2022

Monday, Feb 14, 2022

The annual Investing Fixed Income, Europe 2022 report follows the Institutional Fixed Income Summit | Europe 2021 and explores external market pressures, industry evolution, and the impact of monetary policy, from the perspective of institutional asset owners.

Asset owners have been faced with an increasingly complex investment landscape to navigate and having to respond to fast paced market shocks and recovery during 2020 has initiated a re-examination of whether traditional allocation rules are still viable in the current climate. The relationship between fiscal and monetary policy has become increasingly intertwined, provoking thought leaders to question whether Central Banks will remain independent, as well as the trajectory of quantitative easing and inflation.

This report will explore macro issues related in inflation and interest rates, strategic asset allocation, responsible investing and the evolution of the regulatory environment.

Insurance Asset Management, Europe 2022

Monday, Jan 31, 2022

The Insurance Asset Management, Europe 2022 report follows the annual Insurance Investor Live | Europe 2021 summit which brought together insurance investors, investment risk leaders and capital management professionals, alongside recognised industry leaders in-person, in a focussed learning and networking environment. This report explores high level issues such as inflation and market recovery, as well as strategic asset allocation, risk management, and ESG and sustainable investing.

Download your free copy to explore the emerging opportunities and pressing threats facing those charged with securing optimal outcomes for their respective insurance groups. Created with the input of insurers and asset managers, this annual report covers trending topics at a high level as well as drilling down into the niche opportunities and risks faced by asset owners.
