Where is insurance asset management heading in 2025?

Rich Sega, Managing Director, Global Chief Investment Strategist, Conning, discusses where the industry is heading in 2025 – what are the positives and negatives in terms of workforce changes, the economic outlook and the market?

Rich Sega Conning Image
Rich Sega, Managing Director, Global Chief Investment Strategist, Conning.

Andrew Putwain: Can you introduce yourself, and discuss your role at Conning, as well as the company’s overall strategy around working with its insurance clients and its investment strategies and ethos for them?

Rich Sega: I’m the Global Chief Investment Strategist at Conning. This is my twenty-fourth year at Conning, the first eighteen of which I was the Chief Investment Officer.

I contribute to – but don’t dictate – our strategy to our client portfolio managers. I am a member of our investment policy committee, and my responsibility is strategy development.

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